Rail riders every day are experiencing the impact of the Graphtec recorders hard at work in maintaining smooth rails, comfortable riding experiences, and safety measures to make sure trains are on time and the control signals are working properly.  From measuring current levels in installing uniform rods into the rails to indoor air-conditioning maintenance and electrical control switch monitoring, Graphtec dataloggers offer powerful solution for dynamic and long-term measurement tools to ensure systems are running appropriately and reliably.

Our portable data platform offers versatile and low-cost solution for vibration and strain analysis with focus on ready-to-launch test systems for long term recording requirement. Our dynamic high speed, high voltage portable recorders (GL2000 and GL980) can also monitor high voltage signals for troubleshooting problematic transients.  Other application includes stray current analysis that require long-term monitoring of dynamic signals.  Experience the power of the Graphtec solution at the palm of your hand.




Portable configuration offers easy-to-use troubleshooting tools for using dataloggers in various test conditions.


Graphtec recorders offer low-cost alternative to ATE setup where roll out and engineering require significant labor.


Handheld capability in expanding channel input to 200 channels along with data platform that can expand to 1150 channels.


  • Stray Current Corrosion Monitoring

  • Rail Car Maintenance

  • Vibration and Strain Analysis

  • Electromechanical Maintenance

  • Monitoring drive trains and electrical power

  • Uniform Welding Analysis

  • In-Rail Environmental Monitoring

  • Control Signal Measurement

  • Motor Performance Troubleshooting

  • Brake Systems Check



Control Signal Measurement of Railway Equipment

Confirm the status of equipment on the railway operation management system including signal and crossing point switches.

Strain Measurement for Electric Slide Doors

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Measure strain gauges directly to the GL7-DCB module with the internal bridge amplifier for material strain and movements.

Life cycle stress testing for Switching Equipment

Switch mechanisms in automotive components requires reliability and stability as part of the human interfaces. GL7000 records On-Off square waves at fast sampling speed for a long term discontinuity and life cycle testing.


Motor Torque Durability Test

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Durability testing for multiple motors at once, collect data to PC via USB memory as well as LAN.


Temperature Monitoring for In-Rail Transit Vehicles

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Place the GL840 inside the rail cars and monitor the temperature/humidity levels inside the rail transit vehicles in measuring performances of the Air Conditioning systems.

Rail Vehicle Indoor Air-conditioning Control and Performance

Mount the GL840 on a railcar to measure indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity levels for developing cost-efficient air conditioning.

Portable Testing Tool for OEM and Vehicle Component Manufacturers

Individual testing engineers for various components at Automotive OEMs and vehicle component manufacturers can utilize the portable GL840 to measure their own individual recordings to evaluate the performance of their components reducing cost of large-scale automated testing equipment and downtime from limited usages of large-scale test equipment.

Performance Variables for Stress Testing using Dynamometers

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Quick testing platform using the GL840 can provide temperature and humidity data for testing criteria during a all-weather chassis vehicle dynamometer testing.

Temperature Measurement of Construction Machinery

Monitor the engine RPM, oil temperature, water temperature, and various temperature of components within construction equipment by railing the GL840 onto the vehicle using DIN rail mount, and send data to the PC via wireless LAN.


Current Measurement During Railway Welding Process

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Rail construction companies can utilize the current data from the welding rods to measure and time how long they need to weld the rails together in order to have uniform welds.

Motor Torque Durability Test

Motor durability testing can be sped up using the GL240 for 10 channel measurement for temp and RPM using the B-513 pulse cable for speed monitoring and thermocouples for temperature.