Electronic test and measurement work is increasingly required to complete with faster deployment and quick turnovers as new products are being rolled out with a shorter development cycle.  Testing professionals are required to reduce the cost of testing yet still cover the ground for accurate and precise measurement for complex analysis of mixed signal measurement such as vibration, temperature, strain, pressure and other variables. 

Graphtec’s portable and standalone dataloggers offer flexible test system that troubleshoots the most complex scenarios where mixed variable recordings are necessary to measure inter-dependency between various signals.  Easy-to-display time stamp view of the trend analysis allows up-to-the-second view of your measurement at the palm of your hand.  From lab-based benchtop testing to in-production electronics testing for multichannel measurements, GL series dataloggers and data platform provides the most accurate and well-tuned noise-protected signal analysis giving you the confidence to design and to build strong and stable electronic devices. 




Portable configuration offers easy-to-use troubleshooting tools for using dataloggers in various test conditions.


Set up your next test scenarios within seconds using condition files for your mixed signal measurement.


Graphtec recorders offer industry-leading handheld multichannel datalogger as the most cost-effective solution in the market.


  • Benchtop R&D Troubleshooting

  • Thermal Measurement and Monitoring

  • High Speed (AC) current/voltage checks

  • Vibration Condition Analysis

  • Strain Measurement

  • Electromechanical Testing

  • Environmental Chamber Monitoring

  • Clean Room Condition Monitoring

  • Component Checks

  • Control Signal Measurement



Vibration Analysis for Electronic Parts

Accelerometer Amplifier (GL7-CHA) carries direct input capability for piezoelectric transducers, and is able to monitor signals from electric parts tested on shakers.

Test Development for Wafer Furnace

GL7000's capability in recording 100 channels of temperature at 10ms (100S/s) allows dynamic recording capability for wafer furnaces.

Reading RPM measurement on Copy Machines and Printers

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Read through roller adjustment and RPM shifts using F/V converter to the GL7000 for accurate printer performance inspection and maintenance.

Test Performance and Functionality for Electronic Circuit Boards

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Apply a predetermined signal to the electronic circuit board, measure the signal voltage and temperature inside the circuit, and test the performance / functionality of the electronic circuit board.

Strain Measurement of Electronic Circuit Board

Measure the distortion applied to the electronics PCB boards when cutting the electronic circuit board and check the physical condition set by the cutting machine.

Measure control signals and acceleration of the transport mechanism in Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

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Measure the control signal and acceleration of the transport mechanism in wafer manufacturing equipment and confirm the performance / capability of the transport mechanism.


Evaluation using Magnetic Positioning Sensor and Electro-Optical Sensor

The XY display feature of the GL980 allows a relational display of the two signals with the ability to turn on/off trace, and change your span and position.

Measurement of Roller Speed on Copy Machines and Printers

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Measure uneven rotation of paper feed roller of copy machines or printers using the GL980 in combination with an F/V converter.

Measurement of Various Home Appliances with Various Sensors

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Measure dynamic flow rate, air volume, vibration converted into voltage signal simultaneously with temperature with high speed sampling portable datalogger.


Field Measurement for Printer/Fax Performance

Multichannel measurement for high temp and various humidity levels help analyze root cause problems for copy machines while in transfer.

Testing of Self-propelled Vacuum Cleaners

Precisely measure the internal temperature along with the control signal of small household appliances.

Vibration Testing for LCD Gaming Screens

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You can record the levels of vibration adherences using the proprietary vibro-meters with a direct signal output to scale and to record vibration measurement using the GL980 at dynamic sampling intervals.

Testing of Liquid Crystal Display for Temp Test

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Multichannel temperature mapping of Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) are tested using GL840 making sure the temperature heat dispersion are the same all throughout.

Temperature Change Monitoring inside Clean Rooms

Monitor and Measure temperature and humidity levels inside clean rooms and analyzer how the shutdown of air conditioning system would impact the temperature levels inside the room in multiple points.

Printer Maintenance

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Perform multi-channel measurement to investigate issues regarding internal parts and operating environment in industrial and office printers.

Temperature Mapping for Environmental Chambers

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Measure and log automotive-grade semiconductor and PCB layouts collectively inside a thermostatic environmental chambers.

Environmental Monitoring of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

Manage the environment with multi-channel measurement to produce high quality products.

Temperature Measurement for High Quality (Energy-Saving) Washing Machines

Measure temperature and humidity levels during the drying process with a high-performance washing machines.  

LCD Temperature Testing

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Measure multiple channels to monitor the temperature distribution of the liquid crystal display surface during development.

Environmental Testing for IC Semiconductors

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Monitor and record thermal and humidity data on accelerated cycle testing on automotive-grade IC in environmental chambers.

Environmental Monitoring for Clean Rooms 

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Monitoring point-by-point environmental temperature in a clean room for semiconductor equipment is critical to providing high quality manufacturing.  GL840 provides in room multichannel monitoring for clean room environment.

Performance Testing for Air Conditioning Units

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Monitor the performance of the air conditioning/HVAC units at the boot up sequences.  Monitor and map temperature levels at different parts of the rooms.

Performance Evaluation for Refrigerators

Measure the temperature and power consumption and confirm the energy efficiency of the refrigerator. The GL100 is used as a remote sensor for the GL840.


Monitoring Temperature Variances in Clean Room Environment

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Record the temperature inside clean rooms and monitor the temperature variances when air conditioners stop with up to 10 channels of Thermocouple measurements on the GL240.

Temperature Measurement for Electronic Board

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Perform temperature distribution measurement up to 10 channels during actual operation of the board.


Measure Temperature in Narrow Spaces

Use a thermistor in a narrow space inside smartphone main body as an example to measure temperature according to operating condition.  Check measurement data on the PC using APS software included or as a CSV file.